The Go Solo & Thrive Project
Are you ready (or almost ready) to travel solo for the first time?
Or you’ve travelled alone in the past but life has changed and it all feels brand new.
Or you’ve gone on a few mini solo trips and are itching to go “all in” this next time.
If any of these ring true? This project will get you ready to Go SOLO!
Are you curious and interested in solo travel? If yes… I’d love to introduce you to a “project” that brings together like-minded women and sets them up to solo travel for the first time.
Before you click away thinking that solo travel has to be an eat, pray, love adventure or an epic WILD & rugged journey or an extravagant and luxurious event that breaks the bank…. Not necessarily!
Let’s bust that myth here and now. A first or next solo trip MIGHT be some of these things but it doesn’t have to! Your solo trip needs to be tailored to YOU! That might mean a weekend away in the city or camping… it might mean going on a tour or retreat… it might mean housesitting or a road trip. Figuring it out is half the fun!
Not sure? …keep reading!

Wait, what!?!? Go Solo?
But I’m not some fearless college backpacker!
What would my family think?
Wouldn’t it be more fun with a friend?
What if I got lost? or hurt?
Will I feel safe?
I’d feel so guilty!
I have a partner, why would I not want to go with him/her?
I’m too old.
Won’t I feel lonely?
I’d be too bloody scared to leave my hotel!
This is just a crazy idea!
If that little voice on your shoulder popped up and used any of these excuses - you are not alone. These same questions and anxieties plague many women considering travelling alone - amplified in mature women!
But I’m here to introduce a way to take the
hesitation & fear out of GOING SOLO.
Me - feeling pretty damn capable on my first solo journey.
Why Go Solo at all?
The reasons to GO outweigh the fears and uncertainties. The benefits of solo travel are vast.
Now, don’t get me wrong - it’s not for everybody and that’s ok.
Read on to see if the benefits are what you’re looking for and if you’d like to join the project.
The Go Solo & Thrive Project
6 women will gather online in a positive community of encouragement to design, book, and go on their first solo journey.
6 facilitated online sessions including a celebration after everyone completes their journey:
➡️ Session 1: Intention Setting
➡️ Session 2: Comfort Zone Nudging (No panic!)
➡️ Session 3: From Intention Setting to Booking the Itinerary
➡️ Session 4: Documenting Your Journey
➡️ Session 5: Gathering Your Solo Toolkit and Go!
➡️ Post Journey: Celebrating & Sharing
Whether it’s an overnighter, a long weekend, 10 days, or an epic month-long journey. LEARN, PLAN, PREPARE and then GO with the empowering support of a circle of new fun friends tucked in your bag.
⭐️ Get clear on what you want and need from this journey and design a trip that is fully aligned.
⭐️ Feel supported!! You will be part of a community of encouraging women and I’ll be there - with my travel coaching skills and enthusiastic resourcefulness.
⭐️ Overcome the barriers that have kept you from travelling solo …until now!
⭐️ Have a ton of fun together!
⭐️ Feel equipped with deep travel skills and resources to stay curious, open, and calm.
⭐️ GO on your first solo journey!
Go Solo Your Way
Launch an extraordinary journey of personal growth.
Research suggests that solo travel can have a profound impact on personal growth and development. By navigating through unfamiliar territories, you step out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges.
Unlock your inner superhero.
By successfully navigating through the unfamiliar, solo travel has a remarkable way of boosting your self-esteem and empowering you with newfound trust in your abilities.
Open the door for connection and storytelling.
Travelling alone allows you to make unique connections with a place, meet new people, and make sense of the world through new eyes. “Travelling - it leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller.” ~Ibn Battuta
Decide where to go, when to go, and how to go. No compromises, no constraints.
Solo travel empowers you to take the reins, cultivating a deep sense of freedom and inspiring self-reliance. Revel in the freedom to modify your itinerary at will - you call the shots. Unencumbered exploration allows for a truly personalized experience.
Recharge and reconnect with the simple pleasures that bring you happiness.
Find inspiration in the world and reignite a zest for life. Solo travel is a gift of solitude to reconnect with your passions, desires, and dreams. It can be a journey of self-reflection, leading to a deeper understanding of who you are …while also being fun, light-hearted, and joyful.