…musings on travel & wellbeing
Travel Broadens the Mind: What Palermo Taught Me About "Bitter and Sweet"
Palermo is a city of contrasts. It's a place where the grandeur of a Norman palace is the backdrop to a daily market full of bustle and hustle. It’s where echoes of ancient history mingle with political demonstrations and vibrant, modern energy. Where three bars on the same street competitively pump out African beats, high-energy pop tunes and opera. This is a city where well-worn elegance meets raw, unfiltered authenticity and where every corner offers a glimpse into a culture shaped by the complexities of conquest and resilience. It is this very contrast that gives Palermo an undeniable charm.
Travel with a Purpose: 7 Examples of Intentions for Memorable Travel
Travel with a purpose is about something deeper than bucketlists. I want to feel more connected, to learn more about the world, about others, and about myself. That’s where intentional travel comes in. It shifts the focus from just where we go to why and how we go. Instead of chasing sights, it’s about seeking meaning—a move from external experiences to something more personal and fulfilling.
Fossil Hunting on the Jurassic Coast - A Really Ancient Surprise!
In the early 1800’s a young woman rocked the stuffy conservative world of paleontology. Mary Anning, grew up in the coastal town of Lyme Regis, England. Her life story reads like a captivating tale of discovery against the odds and has been documented in both the 2020 film, Ammonite starring Kate Winslet and Tracy Chevalier’s novel, Remarkable Creatures.
Morocco in October: 3 Powerful Ingredients for an Extraordinary Adventure
When I look back on my travels, certain places leave a mark that feel deeper and more impactful than others. Morocco was one of those places. During a 7-week journey that took me through multiple countries, my 10 days in North Africa became a clear highlight—an experience that stood out in ways at first I couldn’t quite put into words.
A Southwest Coast Path Adventure - Without Actually Walking All 1014km
When I mention I’ve walked sections of the Southwest Coast Path, people’s eyes widen imagining the incredible feat of traversing England’s longest waymarked footpath, which stretches an epic 1014km (630 miles) along the coastlines of Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, and Dorset. The truth, though, is less Herculean! I sampled this spectacular route, selecting specific sections for their diverse landscapes, charming villages, and awe-inspiring natural beauty.
Inspiring Awe - Versailles Grand Moments and More Everyday Wonder
I believe travel has a special way of awakening our sense of wonder, helping us see the extraordinary in the world around us. But opportunities to feel awe aren’t limited to far-off destinations—they’re all around us. We miss them sometimes because our attention and intention are elsewhere: getting to work, stepping around the growing mountain of laundry, or walking to get our steps in. Due to familiarity and routine, we easily miss the reflection in the puddle, the fresh dusting of snow on the mountain, or the sparkle in the eyes of a neighbour's child. By practicing intentional noticing, we can discover those moments of magic no matter where we are.
Discover The Cotswold Way: A Long Distance Walking Journey
The Cotswold Way is a long-distance walk that provides a taste of quintessential English countryside. The route is home to ancient castles, Neolithic burial grounds, idyllic villages and breathtaking views. When my friend Lisa recently returned from walking a portion of the Cotswold Way with her husband, I was curious about her trip and she kindly agreed to let me interview her about her experience.
12 Travel Budget Planning Tips to Enjoy More While Spending Less
Smart strategies and thoughtful travel budget planning can turn your travel dreams into affordable realities. Travelling doesn’t have to break the bank or leave you with regrets; it can be a fulfilling and enriching experience while staying within your budgetary limits. Looking at your options with a do-it-yourself attitude plays a big part. Understand your travel motivations and priorities to inform your travel budget planning. Whether it is stretching your funds for longer trips or indulging in specific experiences, aligning your spending with your values ensures a fulfilling travel experience.
Travel More with Housing Exchanges: How does home exchange work?
Looking for a way to travel differently and save on accommodation costs? Read my home exchange review and learn how this travel community of housing exchanges can provide unique travel experiences while staying for (almost) free in stunning destinations. Discover the benefits, risks, and rewards of home exchanging in this comprehensive guide.
The Inspired Traveller: How to Discover and Unleash Your Creativity
I consider myself creative, just not in the art class sense. I have always gravitated away from drawing and painting and lean toward photography and digital creations. But recently I’ve felt a tug to play around with paper, pens, colour, and paint.
My love of travel is intertwined with this creative longing. On recent trips, I gazed with interest and curiosity at people who sat quietly while sketching their surroundings. I saw this among the ruins of Pompeii, the shoreline of Nova Scotia, and on a cobblestoned street in Trapani. I have readers who paint from their travel pictures and my heart flutters at the idea of recreating a travel memory on canvas.
10 Myths Busted! The Real Benefits of Solo Travel for Women
Benefits of Solo Travel? Wait, what!?!?
But I’m not some fearless college backpacker!
What would my family think?
What if I got lost?
Will I feel safe?
I’d feel so guilty!
I have a partner, why would I not want to go with him/her?
I’m too old.
Won’t I feel lonely?
I’d be too bloody scared to leave my hotel!
This is just a crazy idea!
Your Guide to Choosing Nature and Wildlife Photography Tours - and My Unexpected Lesson!
“Slow down, Tracy” Catherine whispered as I walked the forest path. Silently chuckling, I heeded Catherine’s advice, slowed my pace and focused on the forest around me.
Slowing down is a skill I attempt to practice in many areas of my life, but I didn’t expect a nature and wildlife photography tour to be the immersive experience I needed to “find” my slower pace. hmmm
Your Best Camera for Travel: DSLR Camera Vs Phone Camera
Learn how to choose the best camera to travel for photography. DSLR camera vs phone camera - discover the pros and cons of each and get inspired with photography ideas for your next trip. Whether you're a beginner or enthusiast, find the perfect camera that suits your needs and goals and plan some photo fun.
Wander and Wonder: Daily Awe Moments to Boost Your Travel Wonder
Not surprisingly, children experience awe more frequently than adults. Their natural curiosity and openness to new experiences make them prone to wonder and awe. But as adults, we can renew and re-engage with these feelings by actively seeking opportunities and noticing moments. Good news!! When you approach it as a PRACTICE, like yoga or working out, you’ll find that the more you engage with awe, the easier it becomes to find it and feel it. The more moments of awe you feel, the stronger your capacity is for more!
Great Travel Reads: books set in Italy
Looking for fiction books set in Italy? Here are some of my top picks for novels about Italy - Bella Italia. They will satisfy any bookworm and will make want to book your next trip! Explore your curiosity and get inspired to visit with these fiction books including travel memoirs, mysteries, romance, and historical fiction.
Enjoy A Sicilian Seaside Photowalk: The Secrets of What to See in Trapani
What to see in Trapani: we arrived in Trapani at night. Our enjoyable 6-hour scenic bus ride across Sicily ended in a dark, deserted parking lot outside of town. With phone GPS in hand, we followed the little blue dot along an industrial waterfront and then into the winding, narrow streets of Trapani Old Town. We stopped once to pick up breakfast foods at a grocery store, then found our sweet apartment off a courtyard filled with hanging laundry. We had no clue until the next morning, just how charming this small city was.
An Extraordinary Day in Pompeii: Essential Strategies for Travelling Well
Visiting Pompeii is an awe-inspiring experience. The site is massive - it’s a CITY, so it's helpful to plan ahead to make it as stress-free as humanly possible. There is no ONE right way to travelling well but allow me to share my experience of Pompeii. Learn from my mistakes, try out my recommendations, or do your own thing and strike out on your own path. However your day at Pompeii looks - we can marvel together at the incredible window into the past.
Solo Travel in Seattle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Personalized Itinerary
Create a hyper- personalized itinerary for travel in a thoughtful 4-step method. In this article, I use my own solo trip to Seattle to demonstrate how to set your intentions, plan your journey, customize your itinerary, and push past your comfort zone for an unforgettable adventure. Great information for solo travel in Seattle!
Alternatives to the Camino for Long-Distance Walking
If the thought of long-distance walking gives you an exhilarating thrill and feeds your adventurous spirit - I’m with you! Besides being one of the growing trends in active tourism, there is an irresistible allure to spending time outdoors, walking through natural beauty, and learning about a place on foot. Europe in particular, boasts a remarkable network of meticulously designed paths that weave and wind across the continent and has long embraced the culture of long-distance walking and thru-hiking.
Why Would You Choose to Walk Solo?
Discover the numerous reasons why people choose to walk solo in this blog post. From physical health benefits to mental well-being advantages such as reduced stress levels and enhanced creativity, there are countless compelling reasons to embark on a solo long-distance walk. Step outside and experience the wonders of walking alone.