Trip Planning for Travel Bliss: Overcome planning overwhelm

Woman at the beach with seagulls flying away

For some people, trip planning is a thrill and a joy. For others it's a nightmare. If you've gotten to know me through my articles you'll know that I fall firmly in the joy category!

I have two friends visiting southern Spain as I write this and I am so thrilled and excited that their trips look very different from mine. Not because they are doing it better or that my month in Spain was anything less than amazing, but because they created highly personalized travel plans. THEY are the heart of their itinerary - not any instagram influencer, not a guidebook, not a tour company, and not me. Both of them bounced ideas off me and asked for travel tips and planning shortcuts, yet they remained true to their own travel goals. The happy messages, photos and heart emojis being sent to me are proof of great trip planning!

I admit to being uber enthusiastic when someone wants to talk about travel with me. With some restraint (LOL), I also know how to be helpful by:

  1. Asking the right questions;

  2. Exploring alternate possibilities;

  3. Nudging to go outside comfort zones;

  4. Giving practical tips to reduce stress and overwhelm.


“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”

Thomas Edison


Asking the right questions

In trip planning conversations with both friends and clients, and clients who become friends, it is great questions that spark the conversations and aha moments that will transform a ho-hum itinerary into one that is stellar! It’s also the questions that highlight (and honour) what people are struggling with and might get in the way of a travel bliss trip - be it budget, uncertainty, or overwhelm.

Here are a few juicy questions to ask yourself or your traveling companion at any point during the trip planning or dreaming process.

Why is this trip really important to you?

This simple (but complex) question can shed light on destination priorities, preferred travel style, travel goals, and specific planning considerations. Travel goals set with intention will infuse your trip with a sense of purpose leading to highly memorable experiences. 

When you think about this trip, where do your butterflies show up? In other words, which elements stir up a mixed bag of excitement and anxiety?

Travel is one of the most incredible ways to expand our confidence and competence as it forces us to step out of our comfort zone. Sadly, I’ve seen people shrink with fear as they plan a trip! Comfort zones are not static and when we nudge them with kindness and confidence, the outcome is a sense of accomplishment, a stronger growth mindset, resilience, self-efficacy, and all sorts of new possibilities.

At the end of your trip, how do you want to feel? And if your trip exceeded even those expectations - how would you describe it when you got home?

A trip can be awesome…and it also can be a transformative experience. Stepping out of your routine, exposing yourself to new cultures, foods, and people can have a profound impact on the way you see the world and yourself. If you want to get the most of your trip, asking these questions will undoubtedly ensure that your vision will be crystal clear which makes it much easier to turn the dream into your reality.

Exploring Alternate Possibilities  

It’s never about sightseeing when trip planning is done with heart, insight, and honesty. It’s about experience options that are driven by the things that will customize and highly personalize your travels. 

My friends in Spain crafted their trips to include places, activities, and a pace that opens the door to connecting their interests and passions. One has emphasized seeing the countryside by bicycle, ocean swimming, and flexibility. They are visiting for eight weeks and have only booked the first four. The other couple has a 2 week window, and has selected places and activities that speak to her love of art and gardens, and his love of history

A full packaged tour or following the “cookie cutter approach” of what everybody does would have resulted in a good trip - because traveling is amazing and going to Spain is fantastic. But travel bliss is when the collection of experiences sing directly and uniquely to your soul.

Roman ruins in Italica Spain

Exploring alternate possibilities also include thinking differently about transportation, types of accommodations, but also even the destination itself!

Funny story: My husband and I were recently planning a hiking holiday in the south of England. We were excited and digging into learning more about some of the places including Bath. I asked, “What about Bath gets you excited about visiting?” My husband immediately responded with, “I am so fascinated by Roman ruins and ancient history. That was one of the highlights during our trip to Spain and Portugal, and I know Bath has some gems!”  After a pause… we looked at each other and both laughed out loud saying…maybe we should be going to Italy!  Long story short - our plans changed by listening to our own reflections and being open to alternate possibilities!

(We will make it to Bath…just not yet!)

Nudging out of comfort zones

Travelling out of your comfort zone can be daunting, but it's one of the best ways to expand your horizons and learn about yourself. You may be forced to confront your fears, adapt to different cultures and customs, and step outside of your usual routines. Facing these challenges head-on, you'll become more adaptable, confident, resourceful, and resilient.

Most importantly, travelling out of your comfort zone can help you break free from old habits and thought patterns. When you're in a new environment, you're forced to think creatively about how to navigate your surroundings. This creativity can spill over into other areas of your life, helping you approach problems with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

I’ve previously written about my 3 tips to travel outside your comfort zone. I regularly put these tips into practice for myself too.

  • Give your brain room to change

  • Focus on you and not on other people’s perceptions or expectations

  • Be selective and push at your own pace

Reducing overwhelm with trip planning tips and tricks 

Traveling can be exciting, but it can also be daunting. With so many options and activities to choose from, it's easy to feel lost and unsure of how to make the most of your trip.

The biggest barriers I see are:

  • Feeling like you don’t have enough money for an amazing trip

  • Limited time…and the sense that if you can’t do it all, you can’t do it at all

  • Lack of confidence because of fear or inexperience

  • The pressure of “perfect” or “once in a lifetime” 

  • Too many options end in paralysis by analysis

Trip planning can be overwhelming due to the number of decisions, research, and logistics involved. But it is entirely possible to create a trip that suits your style and budget resulting in unforgettable experiences and lifelong memories. Keeping YOU at the centre will make it easier to reduce barriers and build a trip that fits like a glove!

If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.
— Yogi Berra

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Writing adventures and my journey to little travel stories


The Positive Connection Between Travel, Wellbeing, and Belonging