Want to feel more present with renewed curiosity, creativity, and connection?
A Season of AWE: The Awe-venture Challenge!
Get on the waitlist.
What exactly is an Awe-venture Challenge?
The Awe-venture Challenge is a personal project to connect you with life’s extraordinary moments.
You'll receive a weekly email prompts crafted to help you notice, reflect on, and celebrate moments of awe.
Each prompt will:
focus on a unique way to discover wonder and awe with actionable and practical strategies such as wonder walks, creative contemplation, and photo sharing.
include fun tidbits of research to wow your friends & family.
activate your sense of awe and reconnect you with wonder.
Start your awe journey!
Feedback from past challenges:
“It was wonderful to slow down each day, pause and reflect.”
“Thanks for the awe_venture and giving some great examples of how we can see things differently and with awe!”
“The challenges were serendipitous and therapeutic. They provided pause, awe and perspective as I transition to the next chapter of my life.”
Do the Challenge YOUR WAY
I know it’s hard to wait for the next challenge!
This too is grounded in the science of the fresh start phenomenon. Psychologically, our brains use new beginnings, like a new month, to commit to habit-building with a boost of motivation. This attitude and energy can be harnessed to improve our lives and help us achieve our goals.
I hope you’ll join me! If we haven’t already met - Hi! I’m Tracy.
Learn more about me and my focus on well-being and travel - here!
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