7-day Awe-venture Challenge

Want to feel more present with renewed curiosity, creativity, and connection?

Start the month off with an Awe-venture Challenge!

The next FREE Challenge starts August 1st, 2024

What exactly is an Awe-venture Challenge?

The Awe-venture Challenge is a personal project to connect you with life’s extraordinary moments.

For 7 days, you'll receive a daily email prompt crafted to help you notice, reflect on, and celebrate moments of awe.

Each prompt will:

  • focus on a unique way to discover wonder and awe with actionable and practical strategies such as wonder walks, creative contemplation, and photo sharing.

  • include fun tidbits of research to wow your friends & family.

  • activate your sense of awe and reconnect you with wonder.

Start your awe journey!

Feedback from past challenges:

“It was wonderful to slow down each day, pause and reflect.”

“Thanks for the 7-day awe_venture and giving some great examples of how we can see things differently and with awe!”

“The challenges were serendipitous and therapeutic. They provided pause, awe and perspective as I transition to the next chapter of my life.”

Do the Challenge YOUR WAY

Some people will be actively posting about their awe-ventures on social media - but you don’t have to in order to participate.

What matters is YOUR intention to find awe…everyday…for 7 days. Keep it personal, private, or shout it from the rooftops - whatever moves you!

You’ll receive instructions and daily suggestions as a guide.

Why is there a wait for the next challenge? and Why does it start on the 1st of the month?

This too is grounded in the science of the fresh start phenomenon. Psychologically, our brains use new beginnings, like a new month, to commit to habit-building with a boost of motivation. This attitude and energy can be harnessed to improve our lives and help us achieve our goals.

I hope you’ll join me! If we haven’t already met - Hi! I’m Tracy.

Learn more about me and my focus on well-being and travel - here!