The Inspired Traveller: How to Discover and Unleash Your Creativity
“Creative work allows us to stretch our mental comfort zones and view our surroundings—and ourselves—from new perspectives. This exposes us to new experiences and new ideas. When we are creative, our vision becomes broader and the world opens to us, similar to how our perspective broadens when we travel.”
~Dr. Shelley H. Carson, Harvard University
I’ve just started an art class.
I consider myself creative, just not in the art class sense. I have always gravitated away from drawing and painting and lean toward photography and digital creations. But recently I’ve felt a tug to play around with paper, pens, colour, and paint.
A.I. image because I was too shy to take photos!
My love of travel is intertwined with this creative longing. On recent trips, I gazed with interest and curiosity at people who sat quietly while sketching their surroundings. I saw this among the ruins of Pompeii, the shoreline of Nova Scotia, and on a cobblestoned street in Trapani. I have readers who paint from their travel pictures and my heart flutters at the idea of recreating a travel memory on canvas.
So, about that art class… I’m completely intimidated.
I find myself judging the final product before I even start. I know this is not uncommon. The mindgames of being a beginner at anything are very, very real! It nudges us out of our comfort zones. Read more about how being a beginner is good for your well-being and your travel!
Curiously, I don’t hesitate to travel to a foreign country where EVERYTHING is out of my comfort zone. Yet, I’ve found all sorts of excuses not to pick up my sketchpad or paints! As the above quote from Dr. Carson implies (and it’s worth stating again), “When we are creative, our vision becomes broader and the world opens to us, similar to the way our perspective broadens when we travel.” I am resolved to reframe my art class hesitancy (aka fear of failure, self-criticism, and insecurity) to adventure. Adventure offers free license to try new things, learn, play, and come out the other side with improved self-awareness. I won’t be “making a painting”…I’ll be on a creative paint-filled adventure! And stepping into a new creative adventure feels like I am also cultivating my capacity to be courageous - which comes in handy when travelling!
10 Advantages of Creativity (and of Travel 😉)
Research concurs that creativity delivers a whole host of well-being benefits! (A couple of research articles for those inclined - here & here)
Improve problem-solving - Learning creative techniques and expressing yourself artistically challenges our brains to think differently, stay flexible, and find innovative solutions to unexpected situations.
Increase self-awareness - Creative expression taps into our inner thoughts, desires, and passions, helping us to discover or rediscover ourselves. This increased self-awareness can lead to personal growth and development.
Reduce stress and anxiety - Getting into a “creative flow” can provide a break from the routine of daily life and allow us to relax and unwind. A mindful focus and slower pace reduce negative stress and anxiety levels.
Build self-confidence - Stepping out of our comfort zones and trying new ways to express ourselves creatively can boost belief in ourselves. Artistic endeavours are rarely without challenges and overcoming these obstacles builds resilience and self-assurance.
Spark new brain connections - New sights, sounds, and experiences lead to the formation of new neural pathways and connections that can improve cognitive function and stimulate even more creative thinking.
Allow space for reflection - Time dedicated to creativity can alter our perception of time, making us more mindful of each moment. This sense of presence is linked with happiness!
Open us to the power of awe - Experiencing awe in the extraordinary and mundane moments of life can foster a sense of connectedness to the world around us. This nurtures our sense of wonder and curiosity, fueling further creativity in the process.
“Awe increases our tolerance for uncertainty and opens our receptivity to new and unusual ideas” Helen deCruz
Join me in an awe_venture challenge - learn more & register here!
8. Shape our identity - Engaging in creative pursuits allows us to explore different forms of self-expression and discover our personal artistic preferences and styles. This can foster a sense of identity and authenticity in our daily lives.
Read more about how travel shapes identity.
9. Create lasting memories - Creativity produces a tangible reminder of what lights you up along life’s journey, allowing you to relive special moments and share your experiences with others.
10. Enhance emotional well-being - Creative endeavours boost your mood because they serve as a powerful outlet for processing and expressing emotions. Whether through music, art, or writing, creativity can help us navigate difficult emotions, reduce stress, and promote emotional resilience.
And guess what!? As I hinted in the subtitle, travel shares this list of benefits! With travel to a new environment, senses can become overloaded with beauty, differences, and connections. Routines get broken, perspectives altered, and time for introspection can lead to personal growth and self-discovery.
Find Your Next Creative Outlet - travel-inspired
Approach your own creative adventure like a travel journey. Experiment, explore, nudge out of your comfort zone, and lean into what makes you feel curious and lighthearted. Julia Cameron, author of the classic book The Artist’s Way, suggests asking yourself a few simple questions. Don’t overthink the responses, just blurt out a response.
If I didn’t have to do it perfectly, I would….
If I dared to be a beginner, then….
Things I would never try, but sound like fun are…
I picked up these questions in a recent purchase of a beautiful book called, A Book That Takes It’s Time: An Unhurried Adventure in Creative Mindfulness. Oh my! It is a book I wish I had written! Filled with mini-journals, postcards, collaging papers, short essays, activities, and writing prompts, I’ll be revisiting it over and over again. Maybe I will write my version of it someday, filled with the travel-inspired art about to be unleashed in my art class!
Your creative outlet should be a source of joy and inspiration, so choose something that brings you happiness and allows you to express yourself authentically. Here are a few travel-inspired creative endeavours:
“An urban sketch is a drawing created on location, indoors or out, capturing what the sketcher sees from direct observation. Urban sketchers use any kind of media to tell the story of their surroundings, the places they live, and where they travel.” Urban Sketchers
Explore the Urban Sketchers website - a global community dedicated to urban sketching
This book by Taria Dawson is what I’m taking on my next trip. I love her style!
Acrylic, watercolour, oils….so many options. Pat Scrivner, an artist who lives near me on Vancouver Island produces this helpful video about what to pack when creating a Grab & Go Painting Kit. Doesn’t a “grab & go painting kit” sound delightful?
I’ve written about travel photography before! Focusing on the world through the lens of a camera fills me with joy. That said, it is an art form that requires continuous learning and practice. Check out a few of my other articles on photography:
Tips for a Creative Journey AND a Journey to Creativity
Set a creative intention.
Stay curious.
Suspend judgements.
Slow down. Be open to awe.
Say yes to trying unexpected things.
Get off the beaten track. Jump in and actively participate!
Seek creativity in others.
Ask thoughtful questions.
Capture and reflect on what you see, hear, taste, smell, and FEEL!
Our creative adventures - whether they involve a canvas, sketch pad, journal, or camera is a celebration of how you see the world. Embrace the creativity calling, and let it guide you to better travel experiences.
What is your next creative adventure? Comment below!